Religion Just Got Naughty
WARNING: Looking at these images of church announcement signs out of context will leave you in a situation where you will never be able to look at one ever again without trying to figure out the wrong hidden meaning. Epic.
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
Comments: 0
Get ready for a self-shooting showdown of epic proportions as rival phone pretties put on their best poses (and smallest outfits) to outdo the competition in a battle of the babes. Cell phone tastic!
Comments: 0
It really is true what they say about 'What is seen can never be unseen!', because no matter how much someone tried to put any of these photos in context it wouldn't cahnge your formed opinion of 'WTF!?!'
Comments: 0
Here's something interesting to put in your house, a Tessla coil, just one tiny little mistake & it's crispy human time. Still, it does look kinda awesome so maybe it's worth taking a risk over? I would!
Comments: 0
Every single one of these 36 images fit that description to a T. If you can explain away any of the abstract weirdness exhibited in this gallery then you're a better man than me.
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These girls seem to enjoy giving thong wedgies & the recipients seem to enjoy it too?? In a dude's world a wedgie done properly = blood and sh#t on your underwear & social death!
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She's so hawt the Sun asked her to help out heating planet Earth, but when she tried her giant moons created a cosmic event that resulted in the death of an ancient civilisation who gave birth to the human race.
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It's weird to think that in the age of iTunes & MP3 playes that some of the younger generation will have no idea what an LP ablum cover looks like, for the rest of us it was an age of fun and really getting into the music.
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A round of Epic Bodges for your guffawing pleasure. Ranging from the pretty clever looking quick fixes, though to the outright idiotic and acts of stupidity we all know the general public are capable of.
Comments: 4,495
Not having 20:20 vision might be a disadvantage in some ways but it's won't stop you from being blazing hawt, as any of these optically impaired turbo babes will demonstrate. There really is something about a gal in glasses.
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