Religion Just Got Naughty
WARNING: Looking at these images of church announcement signs out of context will leave you in a situation where you will never be able to look at one ever again without trying to figure out the wrong hidden meaning. Epic.
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Laziness might not sound like a positive attribute, but it can inspire some serious creativity! Who knew? Some of these examples were doomed to failure from the get-go, but others are borderline genius.
Comments: 33
You can't keep a good girl down, especially when it's the weekend & they have been drinking copious amounts of alcohol - come to think of it, once they reach that state they cease to be 'nice' and become WILD CHILDS!
Comments: 0
A wedding just wouldn't be a wedding without a selection of hilariously photobombed snaps of the happy couple. Here are some of the best examples we could find of album ruining awesomeness. Enjoy!
Comments: 4
Oh the HORROR! A collection of high-performance vehicles that have been left abandoned at Dubai airport, left by rich people who think nothing of letting a car that costs more than some people's home, to rot.
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It's the new 'planking'. They said it couldn't happen, but here's the proof, it just so happens they can only do it when poised above a bed. Coincidence? Don't be so sceptical, next thing you'll be telling me Santa isn't real.
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Ahhh, where would we be without our comrades from the land of the hammer, sickle and so much 'WTF!?!' it's incredible. Where the rest of the world operates in one particular way, you can rely on Russia to do it differently.
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If you could rewrite state signs with your mind, this is what they might say or perhaps it you'd taken some truth hallucinogen so you saw signs as they should be, or perhaps someone just Photoshopped some signs for a laugh?
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Forget 'when animals attack!', the new trend in the critter community is to prove that humans are not the only species capable of interrupting a snapshot. Enter the masters of photo-disaster, the photobombing animals!
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The onslaught on invading innocent photographers subjects continues, do they hate us for being so incredibly good looking? It's time to draw a line in the sand. You're either with the pouters or you're with the photobombers. Pick your side!
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I don't know who this girl is but she certainly knows how to make an impression. If you're a fan of viral video you might recognize her from the Seat commercial. If not, you should probably go watch it right now!
Comments: 356