Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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Stock images are the best, not because they offer royalty-free photos, but because they allow you to misinterpret what's happening into something like this collection of people, who are meant to be coughing but look like they're sucking invisible penises.
Comments: 25
More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
Comments: 0
I dunno, but there is something slightly attractive and dangerous happening at the same time here? Maybe it's a 'no pleasure without pain' kinda thang? For those of you who love babes with some serious mouth machinery !
Comments: 0
I once had a position in a lettuce factory and it was my job to peel off the outer leaves and cut it down the middle, then pass it on. I lasted a day. And it wasn't like I was sucking the cr*p out of festival toilets either. Crap jobs, eh?
Comments: 743
It's what you get when you combine college girls full of hormones, no parents and LOTS of alchohol. This is one very good reason why you should study hard to get a university education gentlemen - Let's PARTY!!!
Comments: 0
You can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to chicks, it might be true two's company, but three's a number i want to surround myself with if ever i get the chance coz all good things come in threes' :)
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Forget the American girl group and dance ensemble founded by choreographer Robin Antin, what you need is a Celeb Pussycat to keep you warm on those lonely cold evenings. Some of these pretties are well worth purring over!
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For those of you who are without a girlfriend, don't despair, there's hope for you yet! Believe it or not not all of the cute chicks on the planet are taken, here's a salacious selection of some stunners!
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She's a stunning Japanese bikini model sent down from the heavens to make every man drool with envy that she isn't also modeling his shirt, from the morning after a steamy night before. Hot damn !
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Ever wondered what celebrities would look like with gigantic conks? Yeah, me neither, but thanks to photoshop and someone who has far too much free time, now we know! Just something else we have the internet to thank for!
Comments: 3