Incredible Sports Photography
With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
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Yep, it's official, some people are definitely on a completely different wavelength than the rest of us and what they take for normal everyday activities would send the rest of us running for the hills. It's a very strange planet we live on.
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No one can resist smiling at these adorable little guys! Now, go share this link with your girlfriend. You know it will score brownie points!
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It was called Haboob and it descended on the desert city of Phoenix, Arizonia like a plague from the heavens, dropping visibilities to near zero and coating surfaces with a gritty later of dust and sand. Hell is coming people.
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This is a rotating boat lift in Scotland that connects two different canals that are 24 meters apart, it's an awesome feat of engineering. The design is based on the shape of the double-headed axe from Celtic tradition.
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It's that time of the week again and it's time to return to our regularly scheduled programing. If you're not aware, Monday morning is the perfect time for a great big dump. Of pictures. Not of the sh#t kind. Enjoy.
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This is the only way to neck a shot of your favourite tipple, be it Jack Daniels on bellybutton or cleavage tequila, so the next time you order at the bar, drink your drink from a lady's orifice!
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Oh the HORROR! A collection of high-performance vehicles that have been left abandoned at Dubai airport, left by rich people who think nothing of letting a car that costs more than some people's home, to rot.
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A collection of blasphemous body art that would make poor baby Jesus cry out in pain "Forgive them father, for they know not what they do!" - A true case of 'The devil makes work for idle hands...arms, legs & other body bits!"
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Cometh the DuckMen! It's time to facepalm hard & not want to live on this planet anymore because Duckface disease has now started to permeate into the human males of the species. We're well & truly 'ducked' people. Be afraid.
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It really is true what they say about 'What is seen can never be unseen!', because no matter how much someone tried to put any of these photos in context it wouldn't cahnge your formed opinion of 'WTF!?!'
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